818-822 Dumont Avenue

Interior Renovation And Change Of Use Of Existing Building: Brooklyn, NY

Adaptive reuse of a 25,000 square feet, three storey brick-clad building with a basement into a modern day child care facility developed for Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services, one of the nation’s longest serving pre-kindergarten education providers.

Built in 1904, formerly home to the Meyer Martin Manufacturing Company, a pioneer Brooklyn based shoe manufacturer at the beginning of the 20th century, 818 Dumont is becoming a childcare facility for 200 children in its East New York neighborhood.

The new center comprises of 12 new classrooms for children from the infant age of 6 months to toddlers and children up to the age of 5. The center will include a multipurpose room, conference room, and a commercial kitchen to provide meals prepared on-site for all ages.

The 120 year old red brick building will receive a facelift utilizing modern fiber cement panel system to create a contemporary façade that will revitalize this building, enable it to comply with current energy conservation requirements and enhance its profile in the East New York community for the next quarter of a century.

The completed site will have 2 outdoor play areas, providing separate play equipment for different age groups served at the facility. Currently under construction, the center is scheduled for occupancy by Fall 2025.

Design Team:

Architect: DBB Architecture PC
Structural Engineers: Elevated Engineering NYC
Mechanical Engineers: Automated Design Consultants
Developer: The Riegler Group & 822 Dumont LLC
Occupant: Catholic Charities Neighborhood Services

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